Delivering the Oak Board Room Table was totally new ground. I completely underestimated what a hassle it would be. The base came apart into three pieces but the top was one large lump of timber. We hired a block and tackle, rigged up an RSJ, took off the banister rails and closed all access to the stairs from the companies working out of the building. Our destination was on the third floor and access within the stairwell was extremely tight. It came 14 inches short at the top so we had to swing it round 1800 and flip it 900. The stress of it left the three of us totally knackered but we got it there after 5 hours.

New commissions are an ace partners style desk, with some radial inlays, and a set of room shelving with abstract doors and an 8ft mirrored wall sculpture. I'm hand carving the components of Dominique's Beautifier. It's Rippled Pear and I'm using a scratch stock and a pair of skewed pairing chisels. Totally old school, hard work but it's so satisfying. The Lapis Lazuli Balls via Afghanistan, India and Ireland turned up looking like a free gift in a cereal packet. We wondered if they were fakes. Stained in a yucky blue and the shape of a hand moulded clay ball, they have come back from precision tweaking looking a million dollars.

Galileo brought the bacon home, that's for sure. He is a tremendous horse - Nashwan with a turn of foot. Having put out in the election that "no vote was the new black" selling the percentage turnout put us back in the swim. Sven continues his run with the big one looming on 1st September. We are all hoping to see the Holland friendly.

Martyn and Lee delivering the Oak BoardRoom Table. Half a ton of timber at 30ft off the ground in a narrow stairwell.

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